There sure isn't... But on the other hand, there's no place like the Island either. Wherever it is now. Man, those LOST-season finales always blows your mind. I think it's because there are all these questions throughout the season (and the whole show) and then they just sort of release them in the end. Bang bang bang! Also, great guest stars. Love to read the guest star list in the beginning.
BTW, can I just say how much I truly love Ben? Seriously, that guy gets all the best lines and delivers them better than anyone. Still can't get over that milk-thing and Dostoevsky-quote. So glad they kept him as a regular. When you thought he'd gone soft he just bounces right back!
And Desie lives!!! It was a close call two times but he made it!!! I cried. I really did, but not when he lived but when he... See for yourselves. It's epic. Like the Odyssey.
PS. Sayid? Desmond called and he wants he's hairdo back.