lördag 19 april 2008

There's no buisness...

There's been a lot of Stargate recently but that's mainly because there are ten seasons of SG1 and four seasons of Atlantis to catch up on. And Kanal 6 really like sci-fi and I'm not going to complain! Too bad that's Daniel's "going away" (or getting killed off) soon, because he's kind of my favorite.

Speaking of sci-fi, I realized only a couple of weeks ago how much I love Eureka. It's so funny and smart and Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson?) is so hilarious and sweet! I wish I lived in a town like that. I would probably get complex about my intelligence though. I'm kind of smart but not that smart... Nobody is. Especially not Jack ^_^

Jag har förresten ingen aning varför jag skriver på engelska.

TEAL’C: "This crew does not appear to enjoy the traditional dishes of Chulak."

O’NEILL: "Showbiz huh?"

MALLOZZI: "Hey! What happened to all the doughnuts?"

TEAL’C: "They were consumed by the drivers before they retired to sleep. We wish to converse privately."

(From Wormhole X-treme)

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