onsdag 23 april 2008

That's Ood...

Doctor Who is still going strong. No big OMGWTF?!-moments yet though, but that'll probably wait to the last three or two episodes. Next time Martha's going to make an appearance! Even if I really didn't like her at the end of season three I'm still kind of positive. It's only for two eps ^_^ Then there's just the Doc and Donna again.

By the way, it was a really sweet episode, "Planet of the Ood" in many ways. Well, the gigantic brain that swallowed someone wasn't really nice. But the Ood singing was! I even got a little misty eyed, but only a bit.

I miss John Simm (http://www.votesaxon.co.uk/). He was the baddest bad-ass of them all. Insane time lords are always fun. Too bad there's only one reasonably sane left. Last of the Time Lords... That's a heavy title.

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